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DD Reflections

"A time to reflect all of components which make me be beneficial to finish this unforgettable project."

 First of all, I’d like to indicate about how to do my blog because a numerous problems which I have faced effect me when continually do it. According to my abilities, I rather have no any good creation and ability in Photoshop program, however, I have tired to do my best and also consult with Weereeya because of her creative capabilities. She helps me to create my blog as well as teach some methods in using Photoshop program. This is the good time that I want to say THANK YOU VERY MOUCH to Weereeya (a brand manger of Apple)

Secondly, I proudly give my opinion with my brand. For DD brand, I’m very happy to study about its information. Although I sometimes find the data very hard as the data that I’ve found was not my wants. I usually analyzed its information in my own words then. Now, I have the new knowledge about DD brand that I’ve never known before, furthermore, it helps me to have ideas in business also.

Thirdly, this is the last that I extremely want to reflect to her (Boss Gob), she is my teacher who is the businessman because she always asks students’ opinion to do any activities. Her teaching makes all of us be active to find out any new knowledge to participate her activities. Finally, I would like to say Thank You Boss Gob that inspires me by the business method. I’ll continually use the business class to be adapted in my life in the future.

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