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JOURNAL 4TH --->> Product Strategy's already served <<----

If you nail positioning and targeting, the rest falls into place.
On Tuesday, I have been begun with the product strategy. This is a part of 4’ p and important also. The product and the service is related to this strategy, moreover, both are very important in the marketing. I thought, this strategy is very intensive, especially the steps to do it well; creating, communication, and deliver value. All of these steps are linked to each other. While teaching, I had taught alone as today class was rather serious at the first time.  After the teacher had already finished teaching, she continually asked any questions according to the product strategy.  Her question make me supposed myself as a brand, in my own opinion, I’m a gracious brand because I like to do the housework, I like sweet-smelling things etc.
By way of, on Thursday class, today we had to make the interviewing role play. The night before this day, my friends and I who were the interviewers prepared the steps that we planned to show in the class concentratedly. When the time to show, we had forgotten some steps, however, we had passed successfully. From every presentation, some shows make me very joke. I thought, I liked to do it and it also made me practice in English.

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